Fashion Weekly

Our friends at Regul8 want to help you spring clean your insides this summer by giving one lucky winner the chance to win an exclusive Regul8 gift pack valued at RRP $464!

Our friends at Regul8 want to help you spring clean your insides this summer by giving one lucky winner the chance to win an exclusive Regul8 gift pack valued at RRP $464!

During Winter it can be harder to get motivated, get moving, and eat cleaner. But it’s starting to warm up, so now is a great time to reboot and flush out your insides, and get a jump start on that summer body. Regul8 products are comprised of a proprietary blend of natural ingredients for optimum absorption and related benefits. This exclusive gift pack will help put a spring back into your digestive system by working to cleanse, sooth and repair the gut while restoring the optimal environment for the good bacterial to flourish.

The Regul8 gift pack includes two courses of Digestive Tune-Up, one Relax Regul8, as well as the newly released Regul8 Ready Water Bottle with a built in Pill Box.

Can’t wait? Regul8 gift packs will be available at selected skin clinics nationwide from mid-November!

Enter the competition today!

This competition is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered. Congratulations to the winner: Kelly Ryan.

Terms associated with this competition:
The prize: Win an exclusive Regul8 gift pack valued at RRP $464. There will be 1 winner. The winner can only win once. The Fashion Weekly Win an exclusive Regul8 gift pack valued at RRP $464 is valued at $464 AUD each. The winning entrants must claim their prize within 48 hours of receiving the confirmation winning email. All entries must be received by 11:59pm on Monday, December 17, 2018. The winner will be notified by Tuesday, December 18, 2018. Entrants must be aged 18 and over and be a resident in Australia. The prize is non-transferable or refundable and there is no cash alternative. The winner will be contacted using the details provided to enter the competition. If either a prize is declined, or the winner cannot be contacted within a reasonable time, a supplementary winner may be selected at our discretion. By entering this competition you are agreeing to Fashion Weekly's terms and conditions.

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